+91 7448569123


App Development

Custom App Development Tailored to Your Needs

App Development Services at Feather Softwares

Apps allow you to connect with clients more efficiently and create deeper relationships, which increases customer engagement. It also lets you offer them a means of accessing information about your products or services and getting support easily, increasing their satisfaction. Our professional app developers create user-friendly applications that enable you to keep consumers updated about your services effectively and improve profits.


Engaging Apps Designed to Improve Interactions

We create feature-rich applications that improve user experience and increase your competitive advantage. Our expert services help you generate conversions through a positive user experience and exceptional customer support. We also integrate features like push notifications, interactive tutorials, and social sharing to keep users engaged. Here are some of our services:

Strategy and Consulting

We understand your target audience and develop a plan to personalise your application to their needs and expectations, improving user satisfaction. This also enables you to have a smooth and constant connection with your customers.

App Development

Our expert app developers design visually appealing and responsive apps with easy-to-use interfaces. The interactive experience provided through our fast-loading mobile applications increases engagement, improving conversions.

Custom iOS and Android Apps Development

We create iOS and Android apps that offer a personalised user experience, increasing your competitive advantage. Our mobile applications also include unique features, resulting in stronger brand differentiation and higher profit margins.

Native and Cross-Platform Solutions

Our experienced app developers create applications that work across different platforms, which help you reach a larger audience, maximising your brand exposure. We also develop applications for a particular operating system, which offer an impressive user experience.

UI/UX Design

We design a user-friendly interface for your mobile application that helps you form meaningful interactions through personalised recommendations. Our UI/UX designs also provide a positive user experience and improve satisfaction, leading to better customer acquisition.

API Integration

We help you integrate your application with various third-party services to provide your users with a more interesting experience and make it easier to integrate content from the other online channels you use. Besides, this allows you to get your application to the market faster.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Our thorough quality assurance and testing process ensures your application has no inconsistencies, ensuring a smooth user experience. Our high-quality apps are also reliable, leading to higher brand loyalty.

Power Management, Notification, and Geofencing

Our mobile applications enable you to send targeted notifications like promotions and personalised messages, increasing customer engagement. Location-based marketing delivers relevant information and promotions based on user location, making your app more helpful. Additionally, the power management feature ensures a smooth experience in the app.

App Store Optimization

We use targeted keywords and persuasive descriptions on your mobile app listings to increase your app's organic visibility on the app store, which leads to higher conversion rates and better brand awareness.

Deployment and Launch

Our experts make your application ready for use in the app store. We monitor its performance and release the required updates to acquire and retain more users, ensuring it brings you the expected profit.

Maintenance and Support

We optimise your application and improve its performance to meet users’ expectations. This increases its ratings, leading to higher app store rankings. We update your application and ensure it maintains its competitive state in the market as well.


We manage the server-side processing of your application and protect the stored user data, ensuring app safety. Through our Backend-as-a-Service, you can develop your app faster and realise profits as soon as possible.

Turn Your Ideas into Dynamic Mobile Experiences

We design applications that offer a positive user experience, providing value to your users and increasing your brand visibility. Our quality assurance services, such as testing applications for adaptability across all devices and detecting bugs and glitches, lead to a high-quality application that increases user acquisition and improves brand reputation.

Additionally, we do post-delivery app maintenance by optimising your application and ensuring a high performance, increasing retention rates. We also do project tracking and maintain open communication to ensure you are updated about the work progress throughout.

See How We Can Help You Grow with Expert Digital Strategies